“List My House For Sale”
- Have 4-6 months? Listing may put more in your pocket
- Save your credit from the wreckage of a foreclosure
- See if your situation qualifies
“Get A Fair Cash Offer Today”
- Let us know about your situation and your house
- We’ll evaluate it quickly (usually within 48 hours)
- You’ll receive a fair win-win all cash offer
Want To Learn How To Stop Foreclosure Now?
So, are you in foreclosure and want to learn how to stop foreclosure now? We’ve created free online guides to help homeowners just like you find out your options on getting out of the sticky situation you’re in right now.
You aren’t the first person to go through a foreclosure… and won’t be the last. So don’t feel ashamed. It happens.
The best thing you can do right now is educate yourself on your options. For some people selling your home is the best option (we’ll make a fair all cash offer on your house today, just let us know about your situation here <<), sometimes we’re able to help homeowners STOP FORECLOSURE completely, and sometimes there are other options. So, click one of the buttons above to get your free foreclosure guide.
We provide property solutions for owners of distressed properties.
If you’re facing Pre-Foreclosure you have 5 options to escape with equity before the county auction:
- Reinstate the Loan – do you have the funds to catch up the balance? Any family members that will loan you the money? Or do you have a retirement account you can use?
- File a Loan Modification – requires documented “hardship” and usually needs more than 10 days to get in place
- File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- Select our All Cash Offer – quick close with time to moveout
- Creative Finance – We could possibly takeover your mortgage subject to the existing loan you have.
FORECLOSURES in Tarrant County Details
County Clerk > Real Estate > Foreclosures
Notices of Substitute Trustee Sales (Foreclosure Notices)
Texas is a non-judicial foreclosure state. Default is defined in the Deed of Trust (Mortgage) and/or Promissory Note. When a debt is defaulted a Substitute Trustee’s sale will take place in the manner authorized by the Deed of Trust/Promissory Note.
These documents are neither County Clerk records, nor permanent records. Each month’s file is destroyed the day after the sale. For these reasons, the postings are neither indexed nor searchable at this time. The Clerk’s office apologizes for any inconvenience you may experience. For foreclosure notices, please go to Tarrant County’s Official Records Search Page.
What is a Notice of Substitute Trustee Sale ?
A Notice of Substitute Trustee Sale is what’s commonly referred to as a Foreclosure Sale Notice.
When do the Substitute Trustee’s Sales take place?
The sale is held the first Tuesday of every month . The time(s) of the sales are indicated on each notice.
Where does the sale take place?
The sale(s) occur at the base of the courthouse steps on the west side of the building located at 100 West Weatherford Street in downtown Fort Worth.
Who conducts the sale(s)?
Mortgage Foreclosures:
The trustee acting on behalf of the lender
Tax Sales:
The Constable’s personnel from Precinct 3 (Southlake)
Where can I find out which properties will be sold?
Notices of all properties to be sold can be viewed 24 hours a day on the Tarrant County website. The notices may also be viewed on the public computer terminals located in Rooms B-20 and B-30 in the basement of the Old Courthouse (100 West Weatherford, Fort Worth, Texas). Additionally copies are posted on a bulletin board located in the basement of the Old Courthouse on the east end of the building.
When are the notices posted?
All notices for the sales must be posted 21 days prior to the sale (i.e., 21 days before the first Tuesday of each month).
Where can I obtain a list of properties to be sold?
The County Clerk’s office does not compile or publish a printout in list form. Copies of individual notices may be printed from the public computer terminals in the Deed Records office for a fee of $1 per page. Contact Deed Records personnel for instructions on printing notices.
Who can I talk to at the County Clerk’s office to answer questions about how to purchase a property at the sale?
The County Clerk’s personnel do not conduct the sale or have any information about the specifics of the sale. The sale is conducted by the trustees on behalf of the lenders. It is illegal for the County Clerk’s personnel to give opinions or legal advice.
What type of payment is required when purchasing a property at the sale?
The County Clerk’s personnel do not have any information on the requirements to purchase a property. The trustees who conduct the sale can provide that information to interested parties.
Who can I talk to at the County Clerk’s office if I think my property has been mistakenly posted for sale?
The County Clerk’s personnel do not have any information pertaining to the sale of the properties. Contact your lender if you think your property has been posted in error. The lender is the only party that will have that information.
To whom should I send questions?
You can direct website questions, comments or suggestions to the Tarrant County Clerk’s office.
100 W. Weatherford Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76196
Email: wm-countyclerk@tarrantcountytx.gov
Substitute Trustee Sale Notices should be delivered to:
Tarrant County Clerk
Attn: Room B30
100 W. Weatherford Street
Fort Worth, TX 76196