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How do I sell my Wedgwood neighborhood in Fort Worth Texas- Seller retiring and wants to sell as-is.

Wedgwood neighborhood in Fort Worth - Seller retiring and wants to sell as-is.
Andy Cromer:
Hey, good afternoon, everyone. Andy Cromer with Starfish Group Properties. Just finished up an appointment over here in the Wedgwood part of Fort Worth. So if you’re familiar with this area, this is all the W streets. So today I was on Wall Avenue bidding on a house, working with a client. This gentleman responded to an online ad, reached out to us because he and his wife have a retirement date. So on beginning of April of this year, they’re retiring. They have their motor home set up and they’re headed to Arizona. So unfortunately leaving Texas, but I totally get it. They’ve got family out in Arizona and they want to retire. So they have busy life before retirement. They have multiple pets, multiple dogs.

They have a few small repairs that they still need to do in their house, but they’re not interested in doing that stuff. They wanted to see what a quick, fast offer would look like. So that’s where we come into play. So I own Starfish Group Properties. You check us out on the web, starfishgroupproperties.com. Call or text us anytime, (817) 975-0678.

But back to this client in Fort Worth, they needed to know what an as-is price would be for their home so they could hit their retirement goals, get in their RV and take off for Arizona. So even though the market here is really hot right now, they didn’t want the hassle of showing properties. They’ve done that in the past. So before Fort Worth, they were living in Seattle. And what they didn’t like about that experience… not that their agent was bad, not that the agent did anything wrong, but it was just the experience all the way around.

So they got the house ready for showings, but at the last minute, say right before dinner. So let’s say you just sat down for dinner and the realtor calls and says, “Hey, we’ve got a showing in 30 minutes. This family’s real interested.” Well, now you’ve got to pack up the whole family, you’ve got to put dinner away, you’ve got to pack up the dogs and leave your house for 30 minutes. And they just didn’t want to go through that experience again. So if you’re looking to sell your home and you don’t want to go through the experience of making repairs, if you don’t want to get ready for all the showings, to have strangers in your house. I mean, if COVID is a concern, having strangers in your house, hey, we get it. We deal with that all the time.

So we love working with families in Fort Worth and giving good property solutions, whether that in price or terms or allowing people time to move out, we’re willing to do that. So give us a chance to talk to about your property, see if we’re a good solution. We’re not the fit for everybody and we get that. But if you’re looking for a fast, fair offer on your property, an as-is price where you don’t have to make repairs. A flexible move out date, so we close early. Because we can move pretty fast here typically, five, seven, ten business days. So we close, but then if you need that extra two weeks to 60 days, whatever it is to make that next move, whether it’s retirement like this couple is doing, whether it’s moving out of state, whether it’s waiting on a new house to be complete, we can do that for you.

So keep us in mind, Starfish Group Properties. At least give us a chance to give you an offer. At least give us a chance to talk to you about how that equity in your home can create value and create time for you to make that next move. That’s what we’re here for. We love giving property solutions to families, helping them think through their scenario and seeing if we’re a good fit. And if we’re not, at least we’re going to leave you with some valuable information. So again, check us out on the web, starfishgroupproperties.com, or give us a call at (817) 975-0678.

And if you stick around for two more seconds, I want to give you a little bit of inspiration. So if you don’t want to stick around for inspiration, this is your time to sign off, and we thank you for being here. But I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I hope you are too. But if you’re not, there’s a great Bible verse to read. So John 3:16, I’m sure you’ve seen that by now, but, “For God so loved the world, He gave his one and only son. That if you believe in Him, you can have eternal life.”

And it really is that easy. I mean, it’s a 30 second prayer to ask God into your heart, to ask God for forgiveness and let his son, Jesus Christ, become the Lord of your life. So if you stuck around, praise God for that, and I hope you say that prayer. It’s just that easy, it’s 30 seconds. King Jesus, forgive me. I want you as Lord of my life. I know that you died for me. I know you rose again for me and I want to be part of your family.

So I hope you do that because I want to see you in heaven one day. So have a great weekend. God bless you. And thank you for listening. Take care.
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